My flagship product, Winrock contains a great deal of original code developed by myself to classify and analyze a variety of rocktypes
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My flagship product, Winrock contains a great deal of original code developed by myself to classify and analyze a variety of rocktypes
- Complete Raman Spectrometers
- Raman probe system RAMANMS001P for minerals etc 532nm
- 250cm-1 to 4800cm-1 0.3nm resolution, probe stand and 100mw 532nm laser
- Upgrade to dichroic filter 150cm-1
- Lab raman optical bench system RAMANMS001L
- 100cm-1 to 4800cm-1 resolution 0.3nm, SLM lab laser 532nm 100mw
- Downgrade to longpass filter 250cm-1
- Options
- US$
- 6995
- 300
- US$
- 9000
- -400
- Call
- USB spectrometer TEC cooled 532nm to 750nm or approx 4800cm-1 0.3nm resolution
- USB spectrometer TEC cooled 532nm to 581nm or 1600cm-1 0.06nm resolution
- New lab laser 50mw 0.1nm linewidth SLM 1% Stability 532nm
- New lab laser 100mw 0.1nm linewidth SLM 1% Stability 532nm
- New lab laser 50mw 0.003nm linewidth SLM 1% Stability 532nm
- New lab laser 100mw 0.003nm linewidth 1% stability TEM00 532nm
- New lab laser 100mw 0.2nm linewidth 5% stability TEM00 532nm variable power
- Longpass filter 100cm-1 min for optical bench
- Longpass filter 250cm-1 min for optical bench
- Dichroic filter 250cm-1 min for probe
- Dichroic filter 150cm-1 for probe
- Tablet PC and software
- We service and calibrate our raman systems and accessories
- We customize our raman systems to your requirements
- Contact
for orders and more information
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